Admitted Senior Days

    There is no experience quite like visiting the University of Kansas!

    We are excited to offer the opportunity for you to join us in person to explore what it means to be a Jayhawk—from outstanding academics to Rock Chalk spirit and traditions. Each Admitted Senior Day will include an admissions presentation and a walking tour of campus. If you are an admitted senior, you can attend either a Jayhawk Day or an Admitted Senior Day. You are not limited to Admitted Senior Days.

    Spring visits will be offered January 27, 2025 – May 8, 2025. Registration is now live.

    We are offering special visit days this spring. KU will be hosting two Rock Chalk Days on February 17 and April 18. 

    Select the date and event from the calendar to register. If a date is marked as Unavailable/Filled, you still may be able to join the waitlist by selecting the date and event.

    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled