1. There are many fields of study and potential careers, briefly describe your interest in the field of Business.
2. What experiences do you have in Business-related activities (EX, DECA, treasurer of a club, Social Media manager of a club/team, etc.)? How have these experiences affected your sense of who you are and what impact will that have on your pursuit of a career in Business?
3. What do you hope to gain or learn by attending Summer Venture in Business?
The purpose of this application is to provide information to the application committee to determine whether you would be a good fit for the Summer Venture in Business Program. It is critical that the information you submit is truthful and created solely by each applicant. Do you affirm that the responses submitted are solely the creation of you, the applicant, without assistance from parents, friends, or artificial intelligence tools (e.g., chatbot)? If so, please type below: “I, [type your full name] certify that the work I will submit on this application was created entirely and solely by me.”