Rock Chalk Days
Parking and Campus Map
Feel free to explore campus on foot or utilize our event buses by waiting at a bus stop. Please use buses that have a sign saying “Rock Chalk Day” on the front. Our event map on pages 6-7 show the bus route, bus stops, and building locations.Please register your license plate if you haven’t already, this gives you complimentary parking in all yellow parking lots, Allen Fieldhouse Parking Garage, Central District Parking Garage, or Mississippi Street Parking Garage. Be sure not to park in any reserved or handicap parking spaces unless applicable as you may be ticketed.
Parking Map
Open the parking map to find available parking spaces.
Hawk Route Map
The Hawk Route is an accessible route to travel through campus from Sunnyside Ave. to Jayhawk Blvd.
If you need mobility assistance, please contact the Watkins Health Center prior to the day of the event for availability of wheelchairs. The Watkins Health Center is located at 200 Schwegler Drive or you can call at (785) 864-9500. You can also visit for more helpful resources.
Register now for an upcoming Rock Chalk Day